Sci-fi Mystery
Published: May 2019
Carrick Publishing
know A. B. Carolan as the writer of The Secret Lab and The Secret of the Urns.
Those novels are sci-fi mysteries for young adults (and adults who are young at
heart). In Mind Games, A. B. tells a new story that’s set a bit farther into
the future than his first two books. Della Dos Toros is a young girl with psi
powers living in the Dark Domes of the planet Sanctuary. Her adopted father
doesn’t let her use those powers, but she must do so to find his killer. This
story about ESP and androids adds another action-packed novel to the ABC Sci-Fi
Mystery series. Available in both print and ebook versions.
the Author

reclusive and ageless A. B. Carolan lives in Donegal, Ireland, where he spends
most of his time writing stories for young adults and adults who are young at
heart. There are rumors in Donegal that A. B. was raised by leprechauns. He
says they like to joke a lot there. Other rumors in the Donegal area saying
that he’s a distant relative of the great Irish harpist and composer Turlough
O’Carolan are more believable—he loves O’Carolan’s music. He is good friends
with author Steven M. Moore and communicates with his American friend a lot, as
all good collaborators must do. Readers can reach him via the contact page at
Steve’s website, http://stevenmmoore.com.