Popolar science
Publisher: Simple Story
Date Published: January 14, 2019
Never in history have we known more than we know today. In the age of knowledge, science has enveloped our lives and influences humanity in almost every aspect. At any given moment, dozens of studies are published in countless areas of knowledge – studies that bring us closer to understanding the laws of nature, as well as advance human thinking towards the future. Nevertheless, faith, religion, spirituality and divinity still play a central role in the lives of many people. With the gap between what we know and what we believe is constantly growing, the authors of this book has found it necessary to offer tools for critical thinking about the relationship between science and faith.
This one is a bit harder to review. It's a lengthy piece of writing and at times the information seemed disjointed. I think the overall objective was met, but it's a bit harder to get to that than it should have been.
If you have had doubts or want to explore the other options of belief, I think you can pull some information from this book. I think that it could be cleaned up a bit, but it is still informative.
About the Authors
Maor Kohn
Ph.D. in Geography, with specialization in Environment and public health from the Ben-Gurion University of the Negev. M.a. in Geopolitics and B.A in Political Science. A Society and Environment lecturer.
Mati Cohen
Ph.D. in Biology from the Weizmann Institute of Science, specializing in structural biology, cancer research, gene therapy and pharmacology
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