Date Published: January 3, 2020
Do you funnel time, resources, and a significant portion of your budget into every marketing platform you can think of, only to see few results? If so, you’re not alone. This common problem is not only frustrating but the complete opposite of business growth. Marketing that doesn’t convert eats away at revenue, leaving your business stagnant. Let it go on for too long, and you’ll quickly find that marketing has killed your business.
Fortunately, there is a way to turn this problem around and get production back on a growth track. Customers who want what your business offers are out there. To find them, you need the right tools and an understanding of how to leverage them. In Why Your Marketing is Killing Your Business and What to Do About It, expert marketing strategist Minal Sampat shares exactly that, illustrating with real-life examples from over ten years of experience working with businesses in multiple industries.
In this easy-to-read, conversational guide, Minal untangles some of the mysteries of the market, including social media platforms, and shares how a few of her clients have achieved real results such as:
- reducing their marketing budget by $20,000
- nearly doubling their customer base
- gaining thousands of online followers and reviews
- increasing production by 20% even while experiencing a drop in new customers
- making social media presence the top source of business referrals
- Why Your Marketing is Killing Your Business and What to Do About It also includes strategies based on nationwide workshops Minal leads with businesses of all sizes and locations. Just like workshop attendees, business owners can complete these activities and walk away with detailed, custom marketing plans ready for execution.
Your business is more than just your livelihood: it is your passion, your inspiration, and your contribution to the community around you. Your customers recognize this, but only if you are visible and authentic. If you’re ready to start connecting with your ideal customers to launch your business growth pattern, Why Your Marketing is Killing Your Business and What to Do About It has everything you need to begin the journey.
This book is FREE With Kindle Unlimited and it is a MUST Read for anyone with a small business or business of any kind really.
I'm blown away by the amount of information Minal Sampat managed to put into this book. It's really invaluable in the Marketing World these days. Not everything is going to work and it's very difficult to wade through the ample information on the internet about Marketing.
Targeting is very important, are you appealing to the right audience for your brand?
Are you spending too much money on things that aren't actually helping your business?
It's really just a very informative read and so very helpful! Pick it up ASAP!
About the Author

Minal Sampat is a speaker, marketing strategist, and health care professional who launched her first marketing company by breaking a Guinness World Record. She has over a decade of experience helping business owners find success through connection and engagement strategies. A proud member of the National Speaker Association and a world traveler, she lives in Washington State with her husband and an extensive shoe collection. Why Your Marketing is Killing Your Business is her first book. To learn more or get in touch, visit
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