Book Tour & Book Review: The Last Rose of Summer by Mary Austin #blogtour #bookreview #medicalfiction #fiction #rabtbooktours @RABTBookTours @MaryAustinBooks


Medical Fiction

Date Published: June 25, 2020

Publisher: Archway Publishing

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While working independently as a pre-med student at Cleary University, the soon-to-be physician, Mary Austin, discovers a remarkable, non-toxic drug that could offer tremendous hope to cancer patients. Her work is headed for publication in a top medical journal until a drug company begins negotiations with her bosses from which she is mysteriously excluded.

Amid egregious sexual harassment, Mary's materials are blatantly sabotaged. As death threats follow and her work becomes impossible, she is accepted at Whitehead College of Medicine despite evidence that her bosses tampered with her application process. After becoming a pediatrics resident, she shares her story with her beloved mentor, Dr. Daniel Taylor, who allows her to temporarily leave her residency training to reproduce the work. Her joy turns to sorrow and then determination when she learns that Dr. Taylor is battling terminal pancreatic cancer. Even as a chain of events prompts the sabotage of Mary's drug stock and leaves her seemingly without any choice but to permanently leave academic medicine, the story of her drug is not over yet.

In this novel inspired by a true story, after a young cancer researcher discovers a breakthrough drug that could change chemotherapy, the drug industry suppresses the breakthrough and transforms her life and career forever.



This is a very involved medical fiction novel that will really make you think and contemplate things happening in the real world today. 
Morals in the Medical field are often called into question, I think it's really sad that is the case and this book highlights how it happens and why. 
Well written, gritty and real. The author does not shy away from detailing real life issues. Honest and to the point in a great way. 
It's fiction that will keep you on your toes and make you really think... and worry? 

About the Author

Mary Austin is the pseudonym for a physician who, in order to publicize a suppressed discovery in cancer research, had to sacrifice first her academic career, then a career as a board-certified pediatrician, and then her personal safety. She would do it again.

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