Book Tour & Book Review: Masterpiece by Jay Morris, JD, PhD #blogtour #bookreview #giveaway #christian #inspirational #rabtbooktours @jaybmo @RABTBookTours



Christianity, Spirituality, Inspirational

Date Published: September 15, 2023

Publisher: Credo House Publishers



We all must ask crucial questions about our life here on earth. Am I experiencing life the way God, the Master Creator, designed my life to be lived? Or am I living a lesser, devolving life of my own choosing?

We, God’s ultimate creations, can only understand our purpose in life if we learn to see ourselves through the eyes of our Creator. This book provides practical steps on walking with the Holy Spirit. It will transform your soul if you follow the instructions.


Praise for Masterpiece

"This book will transform your life into the original masterpiece you were created to be. It teaches you how to unleash the power of the Holy Spirit so you can develop unshakeable faith and spiritual discernment when you commit to doing the work that your spirit requires. Dr. Morris takes you deep into self-reflection as you imagine the possibilities for your life when you completely surrender to the Holy Spirit."

Karen Hinds, CEO of Workplace Success Group


"If you are interested in next-level living, then you must take this reading journey into the Holy Spirit. This book helps us understand how the Holy Spirit shows up and works within our lives. Dr. Morris provides the reader with keen clarity on how to reap the fruit of the Spirit in an exceptional and timely way. This book is a spiritual gift to the soul."

Jen Olson, Co-Founder/Principal KGO



When you read Jay Morris' work, you can hear his voice. Sometimes I forget I am reading. Like a friend with a cup of coffee in hand, he sits across from us. He then leads us up a ladder of logical thinking. He starts on the lowest step and gives us the confidence to climb to the next step. He guides us through an incredible thought process to a conclusion, which is perhaps so logical it becomes irrevocable truth.

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  1. I'm looking forward to reading this. Thanks for sharing and hosting this tour.
